Variables and Constants

In TL5 the Lumi memory management is mostly implemented, excluding the third management form from the 3 planned.

Compile-Time Constants

In TL5 only global integer compile-time constants are supported. The final Lumi syntax is planned to support constants from all types, and allow definition of constants inside the name-space of a specific type.

Integer compile-time constants are declared in TL5 by:

const Int CONSTANT-NAME 12

Here 12 is an example constant value with range Int{12:12}. The constant value can be any constant expression, which may include:

  1. integer numbers

  2. other integer constants

  3. enumerators

  4. integer operators, where the operands are constant expressions


Enumerators are a set of constant symbols that are treated as integer compile-time constants. The first symbol is allocated a value of 0, the second is 1 and so on…

In TL5 enumerators can only be declared in the global scope. The final Lumi syntax is planned to support enumerators under a specific type, will allow definition of specific values for the enumerator symbols, and will generate automatic conversion functions between symbol names and values.

Enumerators are declared in TL5 by:

enum EnumeratorName

Using an enumerator is done by EnumeratorName.SYMBOL-NAME.

The amount of values is defined by a special length value, for example EnumeratorName.length is 3.

Primitive Variables

Primitive variables are declared using var keyword:

var Int{100} integer-variable
var Int{10:20} with-initialization(copy 12)

If no explicit initialization value given - primitive values are initialized with each type’s default initialization value:


References are declared using the wanted memory access keywords:

  • owner: simple owner reference

  • user: simple user reference

  • temp: simple temporary owner reference

  • strong: reference counted strong reference

  • weak: reference counted weak reference

owner String string-owner-reference
user Array{Uint32} user-reference-with-initialization(user some-int-array)
temp String temporary-owner-reference
strong String string-strong-reference
weak Array{Uint32} weak-reference-with-initialization(weak some-int-array)

References must be assigned with a value before used.

For primitive type references the pointed value can be accessed using a special value named field:

int-reference.value := 4


Conditional references are declared by appending ? character in type end:

owner String? conditional-owner-reference
user Array?{Uint32} conditional-array-with-initialization(user some-int-array)

The _ sign can be used to represent an empty reference:

conditional-reference := _  ; setting the reference to be empty
func-with-conditional-argument(user _)  ; passing empty to a function

If no explicit initialization value given - conditional references are by default initialized as empty (_).

When a conditional reference is used it is checked at run-time to not be empty. If it is - an error is raised.


In such case the ! warning sign must be used if error is to be propagated: conditional-reference!.field

Weak References

Weak references may point to outdated data that was removed in the past. Therefor, when a weak reference is used it is checked at run-time to not be outdated. If it is - an error is raised.


In such case the ! warning sign must be used if error is to be propagated: weak-reference!.field


Comparing references by-reference is done using the is and is-not operators.

the ? operator can be used to check if a reference is usable: not empty and not an outdated weak reference. To explicitly check for emptiness and not for being outdated of a reference that is both conditional and weak is and is-not operators can be used with _ as operand.

if first-reference is second-reference
    ; both references reference to the same object, or both are empty
if first-reference is-not second-reference
    ; both references do not reference to the same object
if reference?
    ; reference is usable - not empty and not outdated
if not reference?
    ; reference is not usable - it is empty or outdated
if reference is _
    ; reference is empty
if reference is-not _
    ; reference is not empty, but may or may not be outdated

String and Buffer Literals

String and buffer literals are allocated in the global data section. In the scope they are used they are treated as user access references to the global data.

user String string(user "a string literal")
user Buffer buffer(user `baffdaca`)

Static Allocation

Static allocation is done using var or s-var keywords:

var String{256} string-static-allocation
s-var Array{34:Uint32} static-strong-int-array!


s-var initialization may fail - the ! warning sign must be used if error is to be propagated

Doing this in the global scope will allocate the data in the process global data section. Doing this in a function scope will allocate the data in the stack.

Statically allocated variables cannot pass their ownership to owner references.

Dynamic Allocation

Dynamic allocation is done by using the type as a function:

string-owner-reference := String{256}()!
array-strong-reference := Array{34:Uint32}()!


dynamic allocation may fail - the ! warning sign must be used if error is to be propagated

It’s probably a good idea to store the returned object in an owner reference, otherwise it will be deleted in the end of the block.