Interacting with Other Languages

Lumi allows calling C code directly. This is useful for using an external C library, or using already written C code within Lumi code.


Calling C code cannot be guaranteed to be safe as the C code can mangle with the Lumi memory management.

It is also possible to call Lumi functions from other languages by compiling Lumi to a shared library that exports C style functions.

The cdef Module

The builtin cdef module contains various C declarations that help interacting with C code.

C Primitives

cdef contains many C primitive types:

  • cdef.Char

  • cdef.Uchar

  • cdef.Short

  • cdef.Ushort

  • cdef.Int

  • cdef.Uint

  • cdef.Long

  • cdef.Ulong

  • cdef.Size

  • cdef.Float

  • cdef.Double

  • cdef.LongDouble

C Pointers

cdef contains cdef.Pointer generic type to declare C pointers:

var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Int} pointer-to-int
var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} pointer-to-char
; "cdef.CharP" is an alias to "cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char}"
var cdef.CharP also-pointer-to-char
var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Uchar} pointer-to-uchar
var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Pointer{cdef.Int}} pointer-to-pointer-to-int
var cdef.Pointer void-pointer

Set and get pointed value:

var cdef.Int value
pointer-to-int.set-point-to(var value)
pointer-to-pointer-to-int.set-point-to(var pointer-to-int)
pointer-to-int := pointer-to-pointer-to-int.get-pointed-at(copy 0)
value := pointer-to-int.get-pointed-at(copy 0)

Get and set pointer from array, string and buffer:

user Array{cdef.Int} int-array
user String string
user Buffer buffer
pointer-to-int := int-array
pointer-to-char := string.cdef-pointer()
pointer-to-uchar := buffer
value := pointer-to-int.get-pointed-at(copy 3)
cdef.copy-to-string(copy pointer-to-char, user string)!
cdef.copy-to-buffer(copy pointer-to-uchar, copy 4, user buffer)!

Pointer to complex types:

user SomeStruct reference
var cdef.Pointer{SomeStruct} pointer-to-struct
pointer-to-struct := reference
reference := pointer-to-struct.get-ref-at(copy 0)

Calling C Functions

To call a C function from Lumi it must first be declared using the native func statement:

; allow calling a C function with header:
; "int some_c_function(int number)"
native func cdef.Int some-c-function(copy cdef.Int number)
; "_" characters in the C function name are replaced with "-" in Lumi

; allow calling a C function with header:
; "void CfunctionName(int number, char* text)"
native func name-used-in-lumi(
        copy cdef.Int number,
        copy cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} text) "CfunctionName"
; Lumi name can be different than the C name

These functions can now be called from Lumi code using their Lumi name.

Native functions Have some limitation compared to normal Lumi functions:

  • have no output arguments, only input parameters and an optional single return type

  • all parameters must be primitives, with copy access

  • cannot be called with output arguments: native-function()->(copy output-argument) is illegal, may use output-argument := native-function() instead

Accessing C Global Variables

In order to access a C global variable it must be declared using the native var statement:

; allow accessing "int some_c_variable" global variable
native var cdef.Int some-c-variable

; allow accessing "char* CvariableName" global variable
native var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} name-used-in-lumi "CvariableName"

These variables can now be accessed from Lumi code using their Lumi name.

Only primitive types can be declared as native variables.

Accessing C Global Constants or Defines

In order to access a C global constant or a #define value it must be declared using the native const statement:

; allow accessing "SOME_C_CONSTANT" global constant
native const cdef.Int SOME-C-CONSTANT

; allow accessing "c_constant_name" global constant
native const cdef.Int NAME-USED-IN-LUMI "c_constant_name"

These constant can now be accessed from Lumi code using their Lumi name.

Only primitive types can be declared as native constants. Currently in TL5 only integer types are supported.

Accessing C Structures

It is possible to access custom C structures and their internal fields using the native struct statement with var lines for each needed field:

; allow using "SomeCStruct" structure that have fields:
;   int some_filed;
;   char* other_field;
native struct SomeCStruct
    var cdef.Int some-filed
    var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} other-field

; allow using "struct c_struct_name" structure that have fields:
;   int CfieldName;
;   char* CanotherName;
native struct NameUsedInLumi "struct c_struct_name"
    var cdef.Int field-name-used-in-lumi "CfieldName"
    var cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} another-lumi-field "CanotherName"

Not all of the original fields must be declared - only the ones that are needed to be used in Lumi. It is also legal to not declare any fields at all:

native struct SomeCStruct

These structures can now be accessed from Lumi code using their Lumi name.

Native structures are treated as values and not as references like Lumi structures. A pointer to the native structures can be used instead:

var cdef.Pointer{SomeCStruct} pointer-to-native-struct

Native structures fields are accessed as in Lumi structures: native-struct.some-filed. This also works with pointers to native structures: pointer-to-native-struct.some-filed.

Native structures can be used in other native functions, variables, constants, and structures:

native func SomeCStruct c-func-name(copy SomeCStruct input)
native func cdef.Pointer{SomeCStruct} other-func(
    copy cdef.Pointer{SomeCStruct} input)
native var SomeCStruct c-var-name
native var cdef.Pointer{SomeCStruct} other-var
native struct CstructName
   var SomeCStruct struct-field
   var cdef.Pointer{SomeCStruct} pointer-field
   var cdef.Pointer{OtherStruct} self-pointer

Accessing Custom C Types

It is possible to handle values for custom C types that may be of any kind: integers, structures, pointers, etc. These types are treated as “abstract” values in Lumi, meaning that their exact structure is unknown and cannot be accessed.

C types can be declared using the native type statement:

; allow using "SomeCtype" type:
native type SomeCtype

; allow using "c_type_name" type:
native type NameUsedInLumi "c_type_name"

These types can now be accessed from Lumi code using their Lumi name.

Native types are treated as abstract unknown values, the only way to use their content is by other C functions.

Writing C Code Directly

It is possible to write C code directly using native code in global scope, or just native inside a function

native code "#define SOME_NEEDED_DEFINE 1"

func is-unix()->(var Bool result)
    native "#ifdef __UNIX__"
    result := true
    native "#else"
    result := false
    native "#endif"

This may be used in some special cases where the other methods above are not sufficient, or to write some special glue code between Lumi and C.

C Wrapper Code

It’s recommended to wrap native C declarations with pure Lumi declarations that takes care for correct usage of the C declarations, and to present a simple and safe pure Lumi interface.

Exporting C style Functions in a Shared Library

Functions that are meant to be exported when compiling Lumi code to a shared library must be declared using native export statement:

; exporting a function with C header:
; "int some_exported_function(int number)"
native export cdef.Int some-exported-function(copy cdef.Int number)
    ; function body...
    return 0
; "-" characters in the Lumi function name are replaced with "_" in C

; exporting a function with C header:
; "void CfunctionName(int number, char* text)"
native export name-used-in-lumi(
        copy cdef.Int number,
        copy cdef.Pointer{cdef.Char} text) "CfunctionName"
    ; function body...
; Lumi name can be different than the C name

These export functions have the same rules and limitation as native functions.

To return a value from the body of a native export functions that has a return type return <value> statement can be used.

These functions are exported as C style functions and can be used from any program using the same mechanic C functions are called from a shared library. Only functions declared with native export and that are inside the exported module will be accessible in the compiled shared library.