Code Examples

Hello World Program

A simple “Hello World” program written in TL5:

module hello-world

func ! show()
    sys.println(user "hello world")!


Testing the Hello World Program

Testing code for the “Hello World” program:

module hello-world-test

var Bool println-raise
var String printed-text

mock ! sys.println(user Buffer text)
    if println-raise
        raise! "error in println"
    printed-text.concat(user text)!

test show-hello-world-test()
    println-raise := false
    assert! printed-text.equal(user "hello world")

test show-raise-test()
    println-raise := true
    assert-error!, "error in println"

Fibonacci Function

func fibonacci(copy Uint64 n)->(var Uint64 res)
    var Uint64 prev(copy 1)
    res := 0
    repeat n
        var Uint64 sum(copy res clamp+ prev)
        prev := res
        res := sum

Complex number Type

struct Complex
    var Sint64 real
    var Sint64 imaginary
    new(copy Sint64 real, copy Sint64 imaginary)
        self.real := real
        self.imaginary := imaginary

    func user ! str(user String out-str)
        self.real.str(user out-str)!
        out-str.append(copy ' ')!
        if self.imaginary > 0
            out-str.append(copy '+')!
            out-str.append(copy '-')!
        out-str.append(copy ' ')!
        var String imaginary-str
        if self.imaginary > 0
            self.imaginary.str(user imaginary-str)!
            (- self.imaginary).str(user imaginary-str)!
        out-str.concat(user imaginary-str)!
        out-str.append(copy 'i')!

func ! usage-example()
    var Complex complex(copy 5, copy 3)
    var String complex-str
    complex.str(user complex-str)!
    sys.println(user complex-str)!